Pathfora now supports fully customizable form elements. This doc outlines the customization options for deprecated forms including hiding specific input fields, setting placeholder text, and selecting which fields are required for the user to submit the form.


Select which fields should be a part of the module's form. By default, a form module has the name, email, title, and message fields. And a gate module has the name, email, company, and title fields.

fields object
Key Type Behavior
name boolean optional show or hide input for the user's full name
email boolean optional show or hide input for the user's email address
title boolean optional show or hide input for the user's job title
company boolean optional show or hide input for the user's company of employment
phone boolean optional show or hide input for the user's phone number
referralEmail boolean optional show or hide input for a referral email
message boolean optional show or hide texarea field for comments or a longer form message

Show/Hide Fields - Live Preview

Form Fields


Set which fields are required to be filled out by the user to submit the form. By default only name and email fields are required for all modules with forms.

required object
Key Type Behavior
name boolean optional set the required status for the name field
email boolean optional set the required status for the email address field
title boolean optional set the required status for the job title field
company boolean optional set the required status for the company of employment field
phone boolean optional set the required status for the phone number field
referralEmail boolean optional set the required status for the referral email field
message boolean optional set the required status for the long form message field

Required Fields - Live Preview

Required Form Fields


Set the placeholder text for form elements.

placeholders object
Key Type Behavior
name string optional set the placeholder text for the name field
email string optional set the placeholder text for the email address field
title string optional set the placeholder text for the job title field
company string optional set the placeholder text for the company of employment field
phone string optional set the placeholder text for the phone number field
referralEmail string optional set the placeholder text for the referral email field
message string optional set the placeholder text for the long form message field

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Form Field Placeholders