Pathfora can send tracking events and the user data submitted to Lytics and Google Analytics. As long as your tags are all set up in the correct order, module data will be sent Lytics automatically. Below we will look at which data fields are sent in detail and their formats.


This option exposes the capability to censor keys from payloads sent into Lytics. Any keys included as strings, or matching patterns as regular expressions that should be omitted from all payloads.

censorTrackingKeys array of string and/or regular expressions
Value Behavior
array of strings keys which match any of the strings exactly will be censored from any payloads sent to Lytics
array of regular expressions any key which matches any of the regular expression patterns will be censored from any payloads sent to Lytics
// help ensure compliance with industry-specific PII regulations by censoring form data,
var widget = new pathfora.Form({
  // other configuration options elided
  censorTrackingKeys: [/pf-form/],


As long as your Lytics JavaScript tag is loaded before the Pathfora tag, all event data and data collected from modules with user input will be sent to the the stream configured in your Lytics JavaScript tag. The following raw data fields can be sent to Lytics by Pathfora.

Attribute Type Value
pf-widget-id string id of the module set in the config
pf-widget-type string type of the module
pf-widget-layout string layout of the module
pf-widget-variant int variant of the module
pf-widget-event string name of the event (see below)
pf-widget-action string custom tracking names for button click events as defined in confirmAction or cancelAction
pf-form-username string user submitted value of "name" field on module
pf-form-title string user submitted value of "title" field on module
pf-form-email string user submitted value of "email" field on module
pf-form-message string user submitted value of "message" field on module
pf-form-company string user submitted value of "company" field on module
pf-form-phone string user submitted value of "phone number" field on module
pf-widget-event string
Value Behavior
show module was displayed to the user
close module was closed by the user
confirm "confirm" CTA button was clicked by the user
cancel "cancel" button was clicked by the user
submit user submitted information from a form module
subscribe user submitted email from a subscription module
unlock user submitted information from a gate module
hover indicates that the user hovered over a button on the modal, name of button is recorded by pf-widget-action
focus indicates that a form element on a modal received focus, name of the form field is recorded by pf-widget-action
form_started indicates that a user began typing in a form element on the modal, name of the form field is recorded by pf-widget-action

To verify that the event data fields are being sent properly to Lytics, you can simulate an action by interacting with your module and checking that the expected fields exist in the data streams section of your Lytics Account.

By default these fields are available as user fields so that you can use them in the creation of segments. If you need help using these fields or would like to map the user fields differently please contact your customer success representative

Google Analytics

To enable this data to be sent to Google Analytics set the enableGA flag before loading any module configs in your code:

window.pathfora.enableGA = true;

If this flag is enabled, pathfora will send event data from the modules on your website to your Google Analytics account as long as it has access to the ga function. This requires that you have the analytics.js snippet on your website loaded before the Pathfora tag. An event sent to Google Analytics by Pathfora will use the following attributes for event tracking:

Attribute Type Value
eventCategory string Lytics
eventAction string [id of module] : [event name]

The [event name] signifier in eventAction will match the event names for the pf-widget-event field sent to Lytics. However, if you've defined custom names in the confirmAction or cancelAction settings this will override the event name for those actions.