Instead of hand selecting content to show an audience, you can can create a module that will suggest content at a individual level, based on the viewer's content affinities in Lytics.

Note: only Message modules using a slideout, modal or modal layout and a variant of 3 support content recommendations.


Recommend controls any parameters necessary for making a content suggestions to a user using the Lytics content recommendation API.

recommend object
Key Type Behavior
collection string id of a content collection - the source list of content to recommend from**
rollups array if supplied, only allow recommendations of documents with topics from the specified topic rollups
visited boolean if false, only recommend an article the user has not previously visited.
shuffle boolean if true, randomly shuffle the recommendations to show a different recommendation on each page load
rank string must be one of popular (prioritizes most popular documents), recent (prioritizes most recent documents), or affinity (prioritizes based on user affinity - default)
display object additional settings to control the appearance of the recommendation (see below)

** You can get the id of the content collection from the url of that collection in the Lytics App.

Content Collection API from url

display object
Key Type Behavior
title boolean if false, do not show the title of the recommended content
image boolean if false, do not show the meta image of the recommended content
description boolean if false, do not show the meta description of the recommended content
author boolean if true, display the author of the recommended content
date boolean if false, display the published date of the recommended content
descriptionLimit int limit the number of characters in the meta description preview, a value of -1 removes the limit
locale string locale to be used to format the published date
dateOptions object options to be used to format the published date


Content acts as a backfill/helper for the recommend key. If the content recommendation API cannot return a recommendation for the user (if they don't have any content affinity data or an error occurs), a default document may be provided.

object in content array
Key Type Behavior
url string url of the default document to recommend to the user
title string meta title of the default document
description string meta description of the default document
image string url of the meta image of the default document
author string full name of the author of the document
date string ISO 8601 formatted date that the document was published
default boolean required true if the content provided is to be used should the recommendation fail

Note: The examples below will show the default content since the account used does not have content affinity set up.

Content Recommendation Modal - Live Preview

Content Recommendation Modal Module

Content Recommendation Slideout - Live Preview

Content Recommendation Modal Module